The information in this article is general in nature and laws vary from state to state. So if you have concerns about your child`s legal rights or obligations, it`s always better: there are strict age limits if you can…
Children over the age of 13 can work in Singapore. However, children and young people are limited in the type of work they are allowed to do. If you`re a parent of a teenager in high school, here are…
In addition, seat belts are not required in the following vehicles: One study showed that in 2017 in Ontario, 54 children and young adults aged 0 to 19 were killed and 140 children and youth were seriously injured while…
Our business attorneys in Tulsa have developed consulting programs for our business owners that allow us to proactively resolve legal issues you and your business face. Contact us today for a confidential consultation at our company or call 918-398-7900.…
Mark agreed to share more of his resources for legal and tax strategies. Take advantage of the wealth of knowledge Mark will share with you. For example, if rent is due weekly, seven days` notice is required. For monthly…
If you are sued by a landlord or tenant, or if you are considering buying a property, you should meet with a real estate lawyer. If you wish to take legal action, it is advisable to seek legal advice…
A: Partly. Presumably, if someone has equipped the weapon, they like it, which would mean that the equipped benefits are perceived as better. At the same time, most people are likely to dismantle roles they think are bad, so…
„As one of the `best law firms` in the field of patent applications, Cohausz & Florack convinces with „very modern and optimized work processes with short deadlines and high time discipline“. Cohausz & Florack offers a wide range of…
„Geoff Burgess is a strong advocate who has worked extensively in emerging markets, including Africa, and brings business acumen to closing deals.“ Katten has extensive experience in exchange-traded and OTC derivatives and serves both sell and buy clients. He…
Annual Report (Company) 2019 Download (PDF, 890 KB) Combined Non-Financial Statement 2019 Download (PDF, 230 KB) SFCR 2019 Summary Munich Re (Group) – Translation pursuant to Article 360(3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 Download (PDF, 3 MB) SFCR…