The Hindu Widows Remarriage Act was one of the most important social reforms to empower women. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a famous Indian reformer and philanthropist. He defied the Brahmanical authorities and proved that the remarriage of widows is sanctioned by the Vedic scriptures. He met with the British authorities and forced them to pass the Hindu Widows Remarriage Act. „The problem of widows – and widowed children in particular – was largely a prerogative of the upper class, among whom child marriage was practised and remarriages prohibited. Irrevocably, eternally married as a mere child, the death of the man she may never have known left the woman a widow, a sinister being whose sins in a previous life had deprived her of her husband and her in-laws of her son in this life. Condemned to a life of prayer, fasting and drudgery, undesirable in the celebrations and auspicious occasions that are so much a part of many communities of every religious family and community life, their fate was hardly envied. The introduction of the Widows` Remarriage Act was a major change in the status of women that prevailed at the time. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar played an important role in establishing the law. Prior to this law, the Sati custom was also abolished by Lord William Bentick. The Hindu Widows Remarriage Act of 1856, also Act XV of 1856, passed on July 16, 1856, legalized the remarriage of widows in all jurisdictions of India under the rule of the East India Company. The law was passed on July 26, 1856.
It was designed by Lord Dalhousie and adopted by Lord Canning before the Indian Rebellion of 1857.[1] It was the first major social reform after the abolition of Sati Pratha in 1829 by Lord William Bentinck. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] The Hindu Widow Remarriage Act of 1856 legalized the remarriage of Hindu widows on July 16, 1856. The law was passed on July 26, 1856. In this article, you can read all about the law and how it was born for the IAS audit. Considering that many Hindus believe that this presumed incapacity, although in accordance with established customs, is not in conformity with a true interpretation of the commandments of their religion, and wish that the civil law applied by the courts should no longer prevent Hindus who so wish to adopt another custom, in accordance with the requirements of their own conscience, and 1. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar 2. Veerasalingam Pantulu 3. Professor D.K. Karve Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was the most prominent activist. He submitted a petition to the Legislative Council,[11] but there was a counterpetition against the proposal with nearly four times as many signatures from Radhakanta Deb and the Dharma Sabha. [12] [13] But Lord Dalhousie personally finalized the law, even though it was considered a flagrant violation of custom at the time.
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