Acid is a structural component of wine, beer and spirits. Acidity is perceived as acidity, acidity or a salty sensation that causes salivation in the mouth. Acidity is extremely important in determining the structure (or backbone) of a drink, which contributes to a multidimensional feel. Low-acid beverages are often described as shallow or flabby with a single-dimensional, simple presence taste. Taxed wine bottling facility. premises constructed in accordance with the provisions of this Part primarily for bottling or packaging wine with tax. When used in this Part and in the forms prescribed in this Part, terms have the meanings ascribed to them in this Division. Plural words also include the singular and vice versa, and words indicating the masculine gender also include the feminine. The terms „includes“ and „including“ exclude unlisted items in the same general category. The definitions in this section do not replace or affect the requirements of Part 4 of this Chapter regarding wine labelling under the provisions of the Federal Alcohol Administration Act (49 Stat. 981; 27 U.S.C. 205).
Body A structural component The term body in wine describes the impression of a drink of weight, fullness or general mouthfeel. It is usually the result of a combination of glycerin (mainly by maceration/fermentation and/or cold soaking), the degree of extract, the alcohol content and/or the amount of residual sugar. Drinks can often be described as light, medium-bodied or full-bodied. The appellation is a French term that refers to the designated geographical area of a grape. The term has a legal definition in France of what is grown, how it is grown and how wine is produced. To use a designation on a wine label, the regulations vary between 75 and 100% of the grapes used to make the wine must be grown in the place indicated on the label. However, the term has been expanded and loosely applied throughout the wine industry to simply refer to a place where grapes are grown. The appellation d`origine contrôlée (AOC or AC) (ah-pehllah-SYAHN daw-ree-JEEN kawn-traw-LAY) is a French concept of appellation d`origine contrôlée and refers to wine, cheese, butter, etc. The appellation d`origine contrôlée is the most important category that ensures that the quality of wine (and other products) meets quality criteria in several stages of cultivation and production.
The appellation is awarded and controlled by the French Institut National des Appellations d`Origine (INAO) and guarantees that the products to which it refers meet strict production standards. A French term for a wine that falls between the range of a light red wine and a French dark rosé wine for „en tir“ refers to the period during which bottled sparkling wine rests in contact with yeasts produced during secondary fermentation. Part of the Méthode Champenoise process. Yeast is an important microorganism that causes fermentation by converting sugar into alcohol. The predominant yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (sack-row-MY-cees sair-ah-VIS-ee-eye), is the same microorganism that ferments wine, beer and bread. Tartrates are harmless crystals of potassium bitartrate that can form in wine barrels or bottles (often on the cork) or in a wine glass when poured from the tartaric acid naturally present in wine. A wine-like alcoholic beverage made of fermented honey and water instead of grape juice. French for „merchant“. A wine merchant who assembles the products of small winemakers and winemakers and sells the result under his own name. French name of a famous wine brand most often associated with great champagne houses. For rules on the use of spirit drinks in wine, see Part 24 of this Chapter. Sparkling wine.
A wine containing more than 0,392 grams of carbon dioxide per 100 millilitres, including artificially carbonated cider, artificially carbonated wine, sparkling wine and sparkling wine. A white wine, usually sparkling, made exclusively from white grapes, often Chardonnay. The New World refers to the major countries that have a relatively short history and culture associated with viticulture and wine production. In the New World, vines came by European settlers through immigration, exploration, trade, and war. The main wine countries of the New World are America, Australia, Argentina, Chile, South Africa and New Zealand. These lands have been colonized for the last 500 years at most. Variety-based labeling applies to most „New World“ wine labels, which legally implies that the wine is made from a dominant grape variety.