Therefore, axolotls are not made illegal due to a potential threat they pose to human life. This means that your axolotl must be sold, purchased and stored in New Mexico at all times. You cannot import creatures from other states or countries, or export them elsewhere. This is also the reason why these captive axolotls, if released into their natural habitat, would not be enough to stop the extinction of wild axolotls. It is important to know the rules when it comes to importing axolotls into your area. I know of only one case where, after many attempts at hybridization, eggs were obtained in such a cross, and an infertility rate of almost 100% occurred. The 3 survivors did not survive to the juvenile stage. Although axolotls are amphibians and prefer to spend their entire lives underwater, they are often referred to as „Mexican migratory fish.“ These are the rarest species of the salamander family, and these animals are difficult to find in the wild. Axolotls are usually olive-brown with golden spots; However, genetic mutations can lead to color variations. In addition to these natural mutations, exotic animal breeders deliberately cross specific variants to develop fresh and fascinating color combinations. At least one 15- to 20-gallon aquarium is recommended for axolotls. Make sure the tank has a secure lid, as it is not uncommon for these animals to try to jump out of their pen. A terrestrial area in the aquarium is not necessary for these fully aquatic animals.

At the very least, the depth of the water should be slightly longer than the length of your axolotl. But adding extra depth contributes to water quality and gives your pet more freedom of movement. For example, some scientists and biologists are concerned that axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) may mate with native species of Ambysoma salamanders from the United States, such as the Eastern Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum). Are axolotls illegal in California? Axolotls are illegal to sell, possess and possess in California and other US states such as New Jersey and Maine. Laws have been passed to protect native ecosystems (wildlife and agriculture), public health and safety, and axolotls themselves, which are now considered endangered. At the time of this article, axolotls are illegal in the majority of the United States. Otherwise, you will put these people in an illegal and difficult position. As a result, specific laws and regulations may apply to them. These rules may aim to protect the species itself, the people who interact with it, or even local ecosystems. Whether axolotls are legal or illegal varies from state to state.

Exotic animal lovers around the world know the axolotl, the fully aquatic salamander, with tiny eyes and a constantly smiling mouth. As far as Europe is concerned, there are no direct restrictions on the possession of axolotls from the European Union. You can own the pet in accordance with EU laws, but there may be certain restrictions from each country. So stay tuned to find out where axolotls are legal or illegal. In this guide, we can help you understand if axolotls are illegal in California and other parts of the United States. In nature, axolotls feed on snails, worms, crustaceans, small fish and small amphibians. In captivity, they can be fed a variety of salted shrimp, small strips of beef or liver, earthworms, bloodworms, Tubifex worms, other frozen fish feed, and commercial fish pellets. Do not feed worms or fish that you have caught yourself, as they can carry parasites. In general, vitamin or mineral supplements are not necessary. While there are many more examples of invasive species introduced into the natural habitat of wild axolotls (such as tilapia) than there are examples of axolotls becoming an invasive species in other habitats, the rule of thumb is to play it safe. It will be much more difficult for them at all levels if the eggs develop into adult axolotls. Most of the time, the best place to buy an axolotl is at your local pet store, if they have one, or at a larger pet store in a nearby town.

This is where axolotls are checked and checked regularly, and it`s very rare that you get a bad deal or a sick animal. However, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife is aware that axolotls are not suitable for everyone who lives in California. The axolotl is definitely a unique pet, a completely aquatic type of salamander. Unlike most salamanders, they do not undergo metamorphosis from the larval form to the adult form, in which breathing passes from the gills to the lungs. Instead, they remain aquatic throughout their lives. Therefore, they are not pets to treat, but they can be very entertaining. They are relatively easy to maintain and sturdy, making them suitable for novice pet owners. In addition, their nutritional needs are quite basic. Axolotls (and all other mole salamander species, for that matter) have been declared illegal in California out of concern about the potential threat an axolotl could pose to native wildlife if released. You will need a CITES license, which you can obtain, but usually at relatively high prices. But you should always be careful where you import and export, namely to which U.S. state.

Some strictly prohibit such behavior, while others allow it, but only with a license. Although the giant state has gained a reputation for doing things its way, it generally has a lenient attitude towards exotic animals. This article will delve deeper into the rules and regulations for keeping axolotls as pets and other interesting facts. In addition, it will be very difficult for authorities to track the axolotl as the eggs hatch and develop into adults. An axolotl is considered a salamander and is illegal in four different states: California, Maine, New Jersey, and Virginia. Some states also require a permit. It is always advisable to check with county and city laws to see if there are any additional things that need to be done before buying or caring for an axolotl. They make interesting pets because they are salamanders that spend most of their time in the water, and are rare animals (considered exotic in some states). Be sure to do your research and do your due diligence before buying, as things like water temperature and nutrition need to be determined and planned ahead. In fact, axolotls have been bred for many decades for scientific research or for the pet trade. It is very unlikely that pet axolotls were caught from the wild at your local pet store. Therefore, the purchase of a pet axolotl does not put direct pressure on wild axolotl populations.

As a result, international trade in wild-caught axolotls is heavily regulated and monitored. Those who wanted to own axolotls asked us a few times if we would ship to their state where axolotls are not legal. In New Jersey, there is a species known as the „tiger salamander“ and is often confused with axolotls because of its similarities. Some may assume that these bans are due to the fact that wild axolotls are threatened with extinction, but this is not the case. While wild axolotl populations are in steep decline and are likely to soon be threatened with extinction, axolotls kept as pets have been fully bred in captivity for generations and are descendants of a number of small colonies in a few different countries. It is illegal to possess axolotls, not only in California, but also in other US states, including Virginia, New Jersey and Maine. Under California law, axolotls are banned not because they are endangered, but because they pose a threat to native wildlife because they are considered „pests.“ The law does not explicitly prohibit axolotls, but all animals of the genus Ambystoma. In close contact with other animals, axolotls can attack and damage them. Efforts to naturally hybridize tiger salamanders with axolotls have proven EXTREMELY difficult, even by some of the most experienced breeders. Owning an Ambystom species is a crime in this state, regardless of what a pet store says or if you bought the animal out of state. So it`s not just axolotls that are illegal here, but any type of ambystomy animal. It is illegal to keep, import and export Ambystomy species in California.

As a citizen of the United States, where can you hold axolotls and remain a good, law-abiding citizen? In addition to axolotls, there have been countless cases of ancient pets being released and establishing themselves in local ecosystems, causing unforeseen damage.