Cultural outreach is also often taught in history, social studies or geography programs for middle and high school students. Cultural dissemination is the process by which knowledge, innovation, language or cultural characteristics are disseminated within or between cultures or communities. Finally, resettlement diffusion is a unique form of cultural diffusion that occurs when migrants move from one place to another. Religions can also expand – for example, Christianity was originally practiced only in the Middle East, but eventually spread to Europe and other parts of the world. The diffusion of stimuli is often observed in art, where new styles and genres are adopted by artists after being exposed to other cultures, but mixed by that artist`s own influences to create a new style (Pitzi & Pitzi, 2004). Search: `cultural dissemination` at Oxford Reference » There has been a debate about whether cultural diffusion is just another form of cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation refers to the unrecognized or inappropriate adoption of the culture of one group, usually a disadvantaged or minority group, by another, usually more dominant group. Some people choose to think that borrowing aspects of another group`s culture is simply cultural diffusion and therefore not a problem. This type of diffusion differs from contagious diffusion or hierarchical diffusion in that it is not a type of expansion diffusion (Pitzi & Pitzi, 2004). The diffusion process, according to Rogers, takes place in five stages: The diffusion of expansion can be caused by various factors such as trade, migration and colonialism (Pitzi & Pitzi, 2004). This type of proliferation is often seen with fads – for example, so-called „mom jeans“ or the popularity of dance challenges (Pitzi & Pitzi, 2004). These scientists observed that cultural diffusion occurs when societies with different lifestyles come into contact with each other and that as they interact more and more, the rate of cultural diffusion between them increases. Clothing: Another example of cultural diffusion is how clothing styles have been adopted by people from different cultures.

For example, jeans were originally designed for American cowboys, but are now worn by people around the world. Similarly, traditional Japanese kimonos are now sometimes worn as fashion items in the West (Whiten, Caldwell & Mesoudi, 2016). Let us now move on to the dissemination or act of propagation. Diffusion is used alongside anthropology in many academic fields such as physics, meteorology and cinematography to describe the act of propagation, transmission or migration. (name) The transfer of cultural aspects (e.g. art, language, norms) from one place to another. Food: One of the most obvious examples of cultural spread is the proliferation of food and cuisine around the world. For example, Italian pasta and pizza, Chinese stir-fries and Indian curry have become popular in the UK and other countries (Whiten, Caldwell, & Mesoudi, 2016). This reflects the hierarchical spread of the past in European monarchies, where kings and queens set trends for prosperity.

Some sociologists have paid particular attention to how the diffusion of innovations occurs within a social system or social organization, as opposed to cultural diffusion between different groups. In 1962, sociologist and communication theorist Everett Rogers wrote a book called „Diffusion of Innovations,“ which laid the theoretical foundation for studying this process. The last type, displacement broadcasting, describes something that loses popularity after it spreads. This spread (usually through the physical movement of people) makes the cultural aspects of their place of origin less popular or irrelevant, think Puritanism after Puritan settlers left Europe for North America. Cultural diffusion is why many cultures around the world share similarities. Hierarchical prevalence is something that spreads from large to small areas – think cities to rural areas. Contagious spread is something that spreads quickly from person to person, such as viral videos or memes. The diffusion of the stimulus is the propagation of something that is altered in the process. For example, yoga is a form of exercise in the United States, but originally in India, it was considered a holistic form of meditation.