Approximately $32 million is available for the FTSA in fiscal year 2021. Each fellowship has a duration of two years (24 months), and there is no local agreement. Each recipient can receive a maximum of $3 million. Yes. Apex Officer is your trusted partner when it comes to applying for grants. If you would like our help applying for grants or need additional information before applying for grants, enter your details in the form above and one of our team members will assist you. Did you know that there are endless grants and funding opportunities for your organization to purchase training and technology equipment? If you work for a state, local, tribal or territorial law enforcement agency, you should explore funding opportunities. We`ve created this resource to help your police or law enforcement find the grants and funds you need to better prepare your officers. But they did something else. They took action and received these crucial grants.

All this, in 2 days of public safety expert training, taught by the best public safety advisors in the United States, is only. I recommend that you contact your local community college for writing training at the Department of Public Safety. This can result in university credits if you pursue a career in law enforcement. Sometimes your state`s Department of Justice also sponsors a course. Some senators or state officials publish a grant writing guide or sponsor a grant writing course. You can contact them through their state legislative website. „Our department is very small and receives very little support from the local government. Years ago, my department sent me to a seminar on first responder grants in Philadelphia. This is the best money our department has ever spent.

I estimate that in the last 3 years, we have been in the $750,000 to $1,000,000 club for grants. I highly recommend this seminar. – Lt. Nick Cook, Bendersville Community Fire Company, Pennsylvania The election is over and the wait for the official work of the new federal administration and the president has begun. No new grants will be offered by the administration until the first new budget is approved by Congress. The fiscal year ends September 30, 2017. While this work is ongoing, it`s a good time to learn new skills or improve old ones when it comes to writing grants. Law enforcement writing training is available in many locations, including in the classroom, online and in guides. Each type of training provides the foundation for grant writing skills.

Having taught law enforcement grant writing for the past 16 years, I have found that the classroom is ideal because it provides the opportunity to design, write and discuss the grant writing process. If you`re using online resources or guides, I recommend writing a document and sharing it with someone who has successfully written and rewarded a grant-funded program. Below are the training courses currently planned and their locations. This list is constantly updated when training is requested or booked. (Don`t see a session near you? You can bring our training to you.) The Department of Homeland Security`s (DHS) Urban Security Initiative (UASI) reflects the intention of Congress and the government to create a sustainable national model program to improve security and overall preparedness to prevent, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism. The initiative includes an Urban Area Assessment and Strategy component used by the ODP and the Urban Working Group (UAWG) to allocate grants and manage the provision of direct services in the form of equipment, planning, training, exercises and technical assistance to police and law enforcement agencies. The PPSC office has distributed over $8 billion to support community policing since its inception in 1994. These funds support a wide range of activities. PPSC funding helps local law enforcement agencies hire, equip and train new community policing professionals. PPSC funding helps relocate existing public servants to their communities and explore how they can maximize the impact on the people who live there. The PPSC funds a variety of strategies to advance community policing through innovative techniques and technologies. „The ministry has made an excellent investment in our future by sending a member to this seminar.

We even attended other seminars and involved the municipal police. We have invested less than $1,000 and have received a total of over $1,900,000 in grants to date. The least we can say is that we are very satisfied with our investment. I want to encourage all departments to take advantage of this excellent training. – Asst. Chief/Paramedic Derrick Hall, Hazard Fire & Rescue, Kentucky Link: Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation 2021 If you find a grant you want to apply for and need help, the Apex agent offers free grant writing assistance. You can start the application process today with just a little information. This is a good time to learn new or improve old skills in grant writing, allowing organizations to find and submit competitive grant applications electronically to all federal granting agencies. is THE central point of contact for more than 900 funding programs offered by the 26 federal funding agencies. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is proud to be the Managing Partner of, an initiative that will have an unprecedented impact on the grantmaking community.

Are you tired of having your department`s budget axe thrown into year after year? Do you use „soft hands“ and are you asked to „make do with what you have, and are you tired of hearing from your top administrators „maybe in next year`s budget“? Then it`s time to get your share of the billions of dollars in grants available each year for equipment, personnel, and programs to supplement your budgets. Grant programs open regularly, but they don`t pick you up, you have to look for them. Check out our full training calendar on grant writing and other services here Here is our list of funding opportunities and funding resources for law enforcement agencies for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. If you do not see the grant you are looking for, fill out the form below and we will notify you when new grants or funding opportunities appear. Otherwise, the best way to stay connected with new funding opportunities is to bookmark this page and return to this page. We update this page weekly. If you have any questions, the team is here to help, so feel free to answer your questions. CPD funding will be used to strengthen the capacity of law enforcement agencies to implement community policing strategies by providing advice on promising practices through the development and testing of innovative strategies. knowledge of effective practices and outcomes; and supporting new and creative approaches to crime prevention and promoting safe communities. Link: Link: Community Policing Development (CPD) Program Grant 2021 The COPS Hiring Program (CHP) is a competitive call open to all state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies with major law enforcement agencies.

The CPD 2021 program will fund projects aimed at building knowledge, raising awareness of effective community policing strategies, increasing the skills and capacity of law enforcement agencies and community partners, increasing the number of law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholders, applying community policing best practices, and institutionalizing community policing practices in Current affairs. Link: 2021 COPS Anti-Heroin Task Force (AHTF) Program Grant The Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Grant Program (Byrne Formula Grant Program) is a federal, state, and local partnership aimed at creating safer communities. Grants can be used to provide personnel, equipment, training, technical assistance, and information systems for the broader arrest, prosecution, jurisdiction, detention, and rehabilitation of offenders who violate these state and local laws. „I want to thank you for providing me with the tools to raise approximately $1.5 million for my own department and a neighbouring department. These two departments serve 10,000 people, so the size of the department is no excuse not to be assigned. I am not aware of any other training programs that can turn an investment of $499 into more than $1 million. – Fire Marshal Kevin Kanehl, Armada Township Fire Department, Michigan Writing grants is not difficult once you understand the funder`s requirements and can clearly state your needs based on the data. Rationale is critical, strong program development is based on science-based processes, and goals and objectives must be measurable. Most of these bases have been covered in my column articles, which can be found here. The Fiscal Year 2021 Community Policing Development (CPD) Program is a competitive tender open to all public government agencies, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, colleges, community groups and faith-based organizations.