Overall, if you have an illegal pet, contact your local authorities and get legal advice before it`s too late. Therefore, axolotls are not made illegal due to a potential threat to human life. If, in all these crises, more axolotls dissolve and compete with wildlife, this poses a serious threat to the environment. It is unfortunate that not everyone is able to own axolotls. However, the reason most governments prohibit the possession of axolotls is in the best interest of local ecosystems. For centuries, humans have destroyed ecosystems and driven animals to extinction. Precautions, such as limiting where axolotls can be stored, help slow down and prevent our collective damage to the world around us. After centuries of destruction of natural habitats, the least we can do is obey these laws and do what we can to ensure that trapped animals and plants are not released into the wild. For beginners, Fantaxies is an information center that answers most of their questions and helps them raise healthy and happy axolotls.

Axolotls are legal in most states. However, as they originate in Mexico and are threatened with extinction, the importation of axolotls from other states is illegal. The following link deals with the story of Sandy Reynolds, who thought she had legally obtained her exotic animals when PA officials asked her to do so in 2001. Their story reveals the poor oversight of exotic animal regulations in the state. Owners of exotic pets often do not have the same rights as other pet owners and face unfair treatment and discrimination. Axolotls are allowed to be kept illegally as pets in different parts of the world. So, if you want to keep one, first check the laws of your country or state and then decide! Permits are required for the importation, transportation and possession of wildlife that is illegally possessed. Some may assume that these bans are due to the fact that wild axolotls are threatened with extinction, but this is not the case. While wild populations of axolotls are in sharp decline and are likely to be threatened with extinction soon, axolotls kept by pets have been bred entirely in captivity for generations and are the descendants of a number of small colonies that cover a few different countries. These laws prohibit not only axolotls, but all species of the genus Ambystoma for their own good, including tiger salamanders and axolotls. If you keep an axolotl bred in captivity, never leave it in the wild, as it could cross native salamander species and pose a serious threat to the environment. You can keep axolotls with a permit in New Mexico and Hawaii.

In addition, some provinces in Canada prohibit the possession of axolotls such as New Brunswick, British Columbia and Prince Edward Island. In Nova Scotia, a permit is required to retain axolotls. In fact, axolotls have been bred for many decades for scientific research or for the pet trade. It is very unlikely that pet axolotls were caught in the wild at your local pet store. Therefore, the purchase of a company axolotl does not exert direct pressure on wild axolotl populations. In addition to axolotls, there have already been countless cases when ancient pets have been released and established in local ecosystems, leading to unforeseen damage. Look no further than the state of Florida, where a new law was passed earlier this year to ban the possession of several reptile species that were considered high risk to local ecosystems. This ban was not directed against obscure animals, but against reptiles that were usually kept as pets, such as tegus, green iguanas and various species of pythons. For several years, Florida`s ecosystems have been invaded by many released pets, which have overtaken local animals to the point that some species are threatened with extinction. The first thing to do is to contact the local fisheries and wildlife authorities. They will inform you of the legal procedures necessary to deal with the situation safely.

Therefore, the main reason for the ban on axolotl in some parts of Canada is the environmental threat posed by axolotls when released into the wild. However, in Maine, the rule that you are not allowed to have an axolotl as a pet is maintained by the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. The tiger salamander is native to this state and usually lives there by nature. The problem when it comes to axolotls is that if you ever accidentally came into contact with these salamanders, they could co-plant together to create hybrids. No, it`s never bad to own an axolotl as long as you`re a caring and responsible owner. If the laws of your country allow the keeping of axolotls as pets, you should definitely get one. As a result, international trade in wild-caught axolotls is highly regulated and monitored. As many have noted, it is illegal to have axolotls as pets in some U.S. states and Canadian provinces, as well as in other parts of the world. In the United States, axolotls are illegal in California, Maine, New Jersey and Washington, while in New Mexico and Hawaii, a permit is required. In Canada, it is illegal to own axolotls in New Brunswick, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, while in Nova Scotia, a permit is required. In Manitoba, axolotls are illegal in Winnipeg, but legal in the rest of the province.

While this can be frustrating for those who live in places where these prohibitions are implemented, it`s important to remember that these rules are in place for valid reasons. An axolotl is considered a salamander and is illegal in four different states: California, Maine, New Jersey and Virginia.